Diversified Property Group and Carbon 

A lot of Australian companies are now focussed on their carbon foot print  and their carbon supply chain.  We congratulate those businesses that are now working towards these goals with their carbon strategies and initiatives. 

Diversified Property Group has been at the forefront of creating sustainable residential communities for the last 20 years, pioneering solar and battery systems in communities, design and construction of 6 star, 7 star and the first commercial developer to build 8 star energy rated housing. Our communities are much more than just solar and batteries and construction techniques, through the creation of community orchards and bio-offsets for land clearing, we have further adopted a range of actions we know will significantly reduce our footprint. 

An Investment in the Future

While some companies purchase ACCU's (Australian Carbon Credit Units) to offset their 'carbon footprint', Diversified Property Group decided to investment into creating our own significant carbon offset program and carbon sequestration and carbon avoidance program for the next 25 years. 

With an expected collective sequestration and avoidance of 9,300 tonnes of carbon per annum on our Clean Energy Regulated 'savanna burning' program or a potential 232,500 tonnes over the 25 year project. 

Diversified Property Group - Savanna Burning - Australian Carbon Credit Project

Diversified Property Group division Chelsea on the Park Pty Ltd conducts a Clean Energy Regulated 'savanna burning' program. This savanna burning program is in collaboration with Aboriginal Carbon Foundation. This traditional burning is carried out by the Western Yalanji on Palmerville Station in the lower region in Cape York in Queensland. 

Our Group CEO Vanessa Pearson recently met with our Western Yalanji Rangers in Sydney (learn more about our First Nations 'back on country program' here) to discuss our Carbon Program and facilitate Aboriginal Carbon Foundation and First Nations programs to meet potential corporate purchase of social and cultural co benefited Australian Carbon Credit Units.  

Western Yalanji Rangers in Sydney for a Aboriginal Carbon Foundation meeting about 'savanna burning'


Diversified Property Group - Savanna Burning - Australian Carbon Credit Project

savanna-burning-carbon-farming Diversified Property Group division Chelsea on the Park Pty Ltd conducts a Clean Energy Regulated 'savanna burning' program. This savanna burning program is in collaboration with Aboriginal Carbon Foundation. This traditional burning is carried out by the Western Yalanji on Palmerville Station in the lower region in Cape York in Queensland. 


Western Yalanji Head Ranger David Williams carrying out cultural burns as part of the 'savanna burning' project on Palmerville Station.


Palmerville Station in collaboration with the Aboriginal Carbon Foundation is involved in a Savanna Burning Carbon Project.

Cold fires early in the year allow for the reduction in carbon emissions and the sequestration of carbon into soil. To learn more about Savanna Burning, please click the below link.

Aboriginal Carbon Foundation - Savanna Burning

The Western Yalanji Rangers carry out cultural burning on Palmerville Station, providing employment and training for the traditional owners on country. This collaboration earns the carbon project and the Australian Carbon Credit Units a 'social co-benefits' rating. To learn more about 'social co-benefits' and carbon farming through Savanna Burning, please visit:

Cultural Fire Credits (Australian Carbon Credit Units)



Savanna burning is about reducing emissions from fire. Savanna fires release methane and nitrous oxide into the air, which are strong greenhouse gases. By burning in the early dry season when fires are cooler and patchy, and burning less country, there will be fewer emissions of these gases and an environmental benefit.

Reducing fire emissions is a lot about applying traditional patchwork burning.

Savanna burning is an emissions reduction project, not a carbon storage project like tree planting. It is an approved methodology already in practice, in several places across Northern Australia.

Additional information below and in our Savannah Burning Explained document.


The Trading Platform of the Aboriginal Carbon Foundation




Aboriginal Carbon Foundation and Catalyst Markets have created a calculator so you can calculate your carbon footprint and also purchase cultural and social co-benefits Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCU's).

Catalyst Markets

Catalyst Markets is the first Indigenous trading platform, developed and operated by the Aboriginal Carbon Foundation

Catalyst Markets was developed to encourage and enable investment in Indigenous carbon farming and cultural fire, including both sharing of knowledge and implementation. This has far-reaching core benefits for Indigenous communities, their Country, and the environment as a whole.